Catégorie : Vie professionnelle
[Lecture] Being a Tech Leader 101
Extraits de The Manager’s Path This role requires you to have a good sense of the overall architecture of your systems and a solid understanding of how to design complex software. It probably also requires you to be able to understand business requirements and translate them into software. » J’ai beaucoup parlé communication et un peu…
[Lecture] All Great Tech Leads Know This One Weird Trick
Extraits de The Manager’s Path Having the technical chops and maturity is nothing, however, if you can’t figure out the biggest trick of being a good tech lead: the willingness to step away from the code and figure out how to balance your technical commitments with the work the whole team needs. You have to…
[Lecture] Tech Lead
Extraits de The Manager’s Path, début du troisième chapitre Dire qu’on peut progresser en carrière sans passer manager devient quasiment un lieu commun dans notre métier et tant mieux. Il y a de l’espace à prendre au-delà du développeur senior. The idea that the tech lead role should automatically be given to the most experienced…
[Lecture] Key Takeaways for the Mentor
Extraits de The Manager’s Path Senior engineers can develop bad habits, and one of the worst is the tendency to lecture and debate with anyone who does not understand them or who disagrees with what they are saying. To work successfully with a newcomer or a more junior teammate, you must be able to listen…
[Lecture] Tips for the Manager of a Mentor
Extraits de The Manager’s Path As a manager you help your team succeed by creating clear, focused, measurable goals. C’est répété un peu partout, explicitement ou implicitement, mais je pense que j’aurais bien eu besoin de cette lourde répétition il y a quelques années donc autant la reproduire dans mes citations. Developing patience and empathy…
[Lecture] Good Manager, Bad Manager: The Alpha Geek
Extraits de The Manager’s Path Je n’aime pas trop ce sous-chapitre qui tend à créer une caricature du pire sans au final donner des pistes constructives à part « attention ». Deux points tout de même : She believes herself to be the best, and responds only to messages that support that view. The alpha geek tries to…
[Lecture] Technical or Career Mentoring
Extraits de The Manager’s Path Many companies run formal mentoring programs where they match people up across teams, and while these programs can sometimes enhance networks, they are often an ambiguous obligation for both the mentor and the mentee. J’avoue que c’est aussi ce que je fais, avec des résultats inégaux. La citation me fait…
[Lecture] Mentoring a New Hire
Extraits de The Manager’s Path I didn’t know how to ask for help, and I was afraid that I would be seen as a fool if I did. Le message que je transmets aux nouveaux c’est « Pose toutes les questions maintenant, même celles qui te paraissent honteuses, parce que plus tu tardes plus tu auras…
[Lecture] The Manager’s Path
Je commente ma lecture du livre The Manager’s Path de Camille Fournier sous-chapitre par sous-chapitre. Il y a un flux RSS sur la page du tag, et une catégorie plus générale sur le management. Pour faciliter le suivi, je vais tenir à jour le sommaire ici : Management 101 What to Expect from a Manager One-to-One…
[Lecture] Calibrate your response
Extraits de The Manager’s Path It may be once a week. It may be once a day. It may be less frequently than once a week, but I would recommend trying to check in once a week regardless, and spending any extra time as an additional interview/sell cycle for the company. L’auteure parle ici de…