Étiquette : The manager's path

  • [Lecture] The Virtues of Lazi­ness and Impa­tience

    Extrait de The Mana­ger’s Path faster” is not about “the same number of hours but fewer total days.” “Faster” is about “the same value to the company in less total time.” If the team works 60 hours in a week to deli­ver some­thing that other­wise would’ve taken a week and a half, they haven’t worked…

  • [Lecture] Good Mana­ger, Bad Mana­ger: Us Versus Them, Team Player

    Extraits de The Mana­ger’s Path In-groups tend to be resis­tant to ideas that do not come from those within the group. […] Because they believe they’re in the best group but they still find them­selves bored, they don’t appre­ciate the growth they could find just by swit­ching to a new team. On parle souvent des archi­tectes…

  • [Lecture] Measu­ring the Health of Your Deve­lop­ment Team

    Extrait de The Mana­ger’s Path Frequency of Releases Je trouve toujours ça très dur de mesu­rer la santé des équipes de déve­lop­pe­ment avec des indi­ca­teurs chif­frés. Il y a bien plus de moyen de mal inter­pré­ter et mal utili­ser ces indi­ca­teurs que de manière de bien le faire. Je ne suis pas en train de…

  • [Lecture] Tech­ni­cal Elements Beyond Code

    Extrait de The Mana­ger’s Path Assu­ming that the job at this level becomes essen­tially nontech­ni­cal is a mistake. Je ne sais toujours pas où me situer. Quelque part, ce que je fais demande de la connais­sance et compé­tence tech­nique. Il y a une part de légi­ti­mité auprès des équipes mais aussi de savoir ce que…

  • [Lecture] Chal­len­ging Situa­tions: Stra­té­gies for Saying No

    Extraits de The Mana­ger’s Path But to create this envi­ron­ment, she some­times must say no. She must say no to the team. She must say no to her peers. She must even say no to her boss. Ce chapitre me rappelle les livres d’aide aux parents. Il faut savoir dire non, mais le faire d’une…

  • [Lecture] Deci­sions and Dele­ga­tion

    Extrait de The Mana­ger’s Path A friend of mine recently became a direc­tor of engi­nee­ring, and she had to start having an assis­tant order her lunch because she disco­ve­red that she would forget to eat — and had no energy to decide what to eat when she reali­zed she needed food. Sans en arri­ver à…

  • [Lecture] Mana­ging Multiple Teams

    Extrait de The Mana­ger’s Path You proba­bly have tech leads repor­ting to you now, though, and juggling the work of directly mana­ging more than three or four people with the process of unders­tan­ding details about what’s happe­ning across a couple of teams proba­bly means one impor­tant thing: you’re not writing (much, any, produc­tion) code. Je…

  • [Lecture] Advan­ced Project Mana­ge­ment

    Extrait de The Mana­ger’s Path if you fill the sche­dule to 100% with feature deve­lop­ment, expect that the feature deve­lop­ment will quickly slow down as a result of this over­sche­du­ling » Juste avant, l’au­teure parle de ne comp­ter que 10 semaines et non 13 par trimestre, pour prendre en compte les congés, l’on­boar­ding des nouveaux employés,…

  • [Lecture] Chal­len­ging Situa­tions: Team Cohe­sion Destroyers

    Extraits de The Mana­ger’s Path The real goal here is psycho­lo­gi­cal safety On met beau­coup de choses derrière ce terme mais c’est un des ensei­gne­ments majeurs de ceux qui ont mené de vraies études pour trou­ver des corré­la­tions dans les équipes qui fonc­tionnent bien. La corré­la­tion ne se situe pas sur le niveau d’étude, l’ex­pé­rience,…

  • [Lecture] Good Mana­­ger, Bad Mana­­ger: Conflict Avoi­­der, Conflict Tamer

    Je reprends mes notes de lectures de The Mana­ger’s Path. It’s hard to know what’s going to happen next on Jason’s team because instead of guiding the team, he’s having the team guide itself. Ce chapitre fait un peu mal. Je sais que je me suis pris beau­coup de murs dans mes premières années de…