Catégorie : Technique

  • How we do large scale retros­pec­tives

    In late 2014 we had an oppor­tu­nity to run a program level retro for an inno­va­tion initia­tive that span­ned across 80–90 people in NYC and Stock­holm.  Instead of a large session, we opted to try some­thing bit different – and we found it to work better for these types of initia­tives. — Labs at Spotify Et…

  • Mycli is a command line inter­face for MySQL, MariaDB, and Percona

    Mycli is a command line inter­face for MySQL, MariaDB, and Percona with auto-comple­tion and syntax high­ligh­ting. — Mycli

  • Seriously, Don’t Use Icon Fonts

    So it’s really no wonder that icon fonts became such a hit. Icons displayed via @font-face were reso­lu­tion-inde­pendent and custo­mi­zable in all the ways we expec­ted text to be. Sure, deli­ve­ring icons as a type­face was defi­ni­tely a hack, but it was also useful, versa­tile, and maybe even a little fun. But now we need…

  • The Safe Navi­ga­tion Opera­tor (&.) in Ruby

    The most inter­es­ting addi­tion to Ruby 2.3.0 is the Safe Navi­ga­tion Opera­tor(&.). A simi­lar opera­tor has been present in C# and Groovy for a long time with a slightly different syntax – ?.. So what does it do? — Georgi Mitrev, via Pascal Ruby ayant déjà la possi­bi­lité d’avoir des ? dans le nom des…

  • Micro­soft’s 16 Keys To Being Agile At Scale

    Every six months there are scena­rio reviews. The group reviews progress and examine where they want to go next. That gene­rally means a recas­ting of the scena­rios. There are three ques­tions: what have we lear­ned over the last six months based on what we built? What do our custo­mers tell us? And what’s chan­ged in…

  • Ayez peur du capi­ta­lisme, pas des robots

    Nous déve­lop­pons sans cesse des tech­no­lo­gies d’au­to­ma­ti­sa­tion des proces­sus de produc­tion, enten­dez, des robots. Ne va-t-on pas, de ce fait, vers un effon­dre­ment de l’éco­no­mie et une explo­sion du chômage ? À cette ques­tion perti­nente, Stephen Hawking répond avec beau­coup de ratio­na­lité, mettant le système écono­mique en cause, pas la tech­no­lo­gie. « Si les machines produisent tout…

  • Retro­mat – inspi­ra­tion & plans for (agile) retros­pec­tive

    En panne sur les rétros­pec­tives ? Envie de redon­ner un peu de souffle et d’en­train ? Florie m’a fait passer un lien vers Retro­mat, je vous recom­mande de jouer avec. Plein d’idées pour réflé­chir. Plan­ning your next retros­pec­tive? Get star­ted with a random plan, tweak it, print it and share the URL. Or just browse around for…

  • Russian Ships Near Data Cables Are Too Close for U.S. Comfort

    Cmdr. William Marks, a Navy spokes­man in Washing­ton, said: “It would be a concern to hear any coun­try was tampe­ring with commu­ni­ca­tion cables; howe­ver, due to the clas­si­fied nature of subma­rine opera­tions, we do not discuss speci­fics.” […] What worries Penta­gon plan­ners most is that the Russians appear to be looking for vulne­ra­bi­li­ties at much…

  • Domaines et péren­nité

    Date de créa­tion : 26.07.2006 Date d’ex­pi­ra­tion : 26.07.2025 (dans 3583 jours) Votre domaine est votre iden­tité sur le Web. En atten­dant une solu­tion davan­tage décen­tra­li­sée, prenez-en soin. En voilà un dont je n’ai plus vrai­ment à me soucier :-). — chez David Retour d’ex­pé­rience person­nel : Suite à cette remarque j’ai recon­duit mon propre domaine pour trois ans…

  • Lessons From Five Years in Mobile News Apps: #1 Don’t have a news app

    And here’s the #1 lesson from my expe­rience: If you are a small or medium sized publi­sher don’t have a news app. If you already have one, shut it down. Use your resources to make your mobile web site better. […] Most people spend 80 percent of their time on three apps apps on their…