Log routing for Docker contai­ner logs

Logspout is a log router for Docker contai­ners that runs inside Docker. It attaches to all contai­ners on a host, then routes their logs where­ver you want. It also has an exten­sible module system.

It’s a mostly state­less log appliance. It’s not meant for mana­ging log files or looking at history. It is just a means to get your logs out to live somew­here else, where they belong.

For now it only captures stdout and stderr, but a module to collect contai­ner syslog is plan­ned.

Logspout, sur Github

De quoi tout envoyer vers un syslog externe par exemple. Une des briques essen­tielles pour imagi­ner en faire une infra­struc­ture de produc­tion.


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