Leaked: EPO Prio­ri­tises Work for Large Foreign Corpo­ra­tions, Discri­mi­na­tion Not Acci­den­tal But Centrally Plan­ned

It is propo­sed to start a pilot for ten major appli­cants, world­wide, lasting one year (1.4.2015–1.4.2016). The appli­cants will be selec­ted by DG1 but taking into consi­de­ra­tion input from PA, PDQM and DG5. This will be based around strong exis­ting contacts. 5 liai­son direc­tors will be selec­ted to deal with two major appli­cants each. They will be in regu­lar contact with these appli­cants and will have at least one face to face meeting during the year of the pilot.


Histo­ri­cally missions were orga­ni­sed on a direc­to­rate and clus­ter level with little coor­di­na­tion beyond that. Moreo­ver, they did not always target he largest appli­cants, but more often the “nicer” loca­tions. With the deploy­ment of the Coor­di­na­tion Tool for Exter­nal Contacts and with more direc­tio­nal input from the PDs, along with the expe­rience from the liai­son direc­tors it is guaran­teed that DG1 missions will be more focus­sed on our major appli­cants and deli­ve­ring a better service to them.

— via Techrights

Dit autre­ment, l’of­fice euro­péen des brevets favo­rise très offi­ciel­le­ment en interne une douzaine de multi­na­tio­nales en leur offrant un circuit prio­ri­taire et une colla­bo­ra­tion suivie.

Le détour­ne­ment ne semble même plus être masqué, il s’af­fiche au grand jour. L’of­fice ne travaille plus pour l’in­no­va­tion ou la publi­ca­tion des connais­sances, mais pour elle-même, à favo­ri­ser ses gros clients indus­triels au détri­ment des jeunes inno­vants. Est-ce vrai­ment sa mission ?



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