Lecture de Steve Yegge : « The Death of the Stub­born Deve­lo­per »

De  « The Death of the Stub­born Deve­lo­per »

Here’s the rub: As of about May, LLMs can now execute most of the leaf tasks and even some higher-level inter­ior tasks, even on large soft­ware projects. Which is great. But what’s left over for humans is prima­rily the more diffi­cult plan­ning and coor­di­na­tion nodes. Which are not the kind of task that you typi­cally give junior deve­lo­pers.

C’est peut être là que je diverge. C’est vrai pour les déve­lop­peurs « code », un peu moins pour les déve­lop­peurs « produit ».

Howe­ver, some junior engi­neers pick this new stuff up and fly with it, basi­cally uple­ve­ling them­selves. And many senior engi­neers seem to be heading towards being left behind. So what is it, then?


Chat-Orien­ted Program­ming, CHOP for short (or just chop). Chop isn’t just the future, it’s the present. And if you’re not using it, you’re star­ting to fall behind the ones who are.

Ne croyez pas qu’on a à faire à encore un rêveur qui imagine un futur avec des voitures volantes. On parle du présent.

They believe these gene­ric auto­no­mous soft­ware agents will solve the problem of chop being too diffi­cult and toil­some. In fact some people claim that agents can take over the task graph enti­rely, perhaps at least for small busi­nesses, allo­wing non-tech­ni­cal CEOs to launch apps them­selves without having to hire any pesky deve­lo­pers.

I think those people are smoking some serious crack.





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