De « The Death of the Junior Developer »
Gene, as an accomplished and senior author, is delighted with his productivity gains with his LLM of choice, Claude Opus. He showed me a big writing project that he’d just finished, in which he had spent easily 45+ minutes crafting the prompt, refining it until he had a 7500-word narrative that could serve as a starting point for rewriting, editing, and adjustment. (In comparison, this blog post is about half that size.) And that draft was fantastic. I’ve read it and it’s glorious.
On a good day, Gene can write 1,000 words per day. His estimate is that Claude did for him in 90 minutes what would normally have taken him ten days. It solves the « blank-page problem » and gets him to the 20-yard line, where the fun begins.
Il y a d’autres histoires. Je note un motif que ceux qui répondent « qualité » ne semblent pas voir.
L’IA est un outil. On ne lui demande pas forcement de savoir tout faire, ni même de le faire bien. On lui demande de savoir faire assez pour amener le donneur d’ordre plus loin, ou plus vite, et majoritairement de lui permettre de se concentrer sur sa tâche réelle, son vrai métier. C’est vrai même pour celui dont la tâche est l’écriture.
My senior colleagues have recently recounted similar chat scenarios in which a more junior dev would have been completely taken in, potentially losing days to weeks of work going the wrong direction.
Or worse.
Chat, it seems, is safer for senior programmers than it is for junior ones. And a lot of companies are going to interpret « safer » to mean « better. »
Briefly, what do I mean by « senior » here? Really just two things:
– You know what you want before the AI writes it. You already have a vision for how you would write this by hand, or have it narrowed to a few reasonable options.
– You can detect when it is giving you bad guidance.
J’ajouterais : savoir utiliser l’outil. Ça reste un outil. Comprendre ses limites, sa zone d’efficacité et comment en obtenir le meilleur peut faire la différence.
Rien que : aujourd’hui les tâches répétitives finissent toujours par dérailler mais qu’il est parfait pour créer le code qui va faire cette tâche répétitive (comme un développeur en fait).
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