AT&T To Match Google Fiber In Kansas City, Charge More If You Want Privacy

The company plans to charge $70/month for giga­bit service, but that’s a subsi­di­zed price. Subsi­di­zed by what, you ask? Your privacy. AT&T says if you want to opt out of letting them track your brow­sing history, you’ll have to pay $29 more per month. They say your infor­ma­tion is used to serve targe­ted adver­ti­sing, and includes any links you follow and search terms you enter.

L’in­for­ma­tion n’est pas surpre­nante par son contenu mais par ses chiffres. Vos infor­ma­tions person­nelles valent 30€/mois d’après AT&T, unique­ment pour mieux cibler les publi­ci­tés (ça laisse donc entre­voir le gain des publi­ci­tés elles-mêmes, forcé­ment supé­rieur)

— via Slash­dot





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