The automobile is a swift and powerful vehicle of recent development, which has multiplied by quantity production and taken possession of our highways in battalions, until the slower, animal-drawn vehicles, with their easily noted individuality, are rare. Constructed as covered vehicles to standard form in immense quantities, and with a capacity for speed rivaling express trains, they furnish for successful commission of crime a disguising means of silent approach and swift escape unknown in the history of the world before their advent. The question of their police control and reasonable march on highways or other public places is a serious question… The baffling extent to which they are successfully utilized to facilitate commission of crime of all degrees, from those against morality, chastity, and decency to robbery, rape, burglary, and murder, is a matter of common knowledge. Upon that problem a condition and not a theory confronts proper administration of our criminal laws.
Nous avons toujours eu peur des choses nouvelles. Aujourd’hui ce texte fait bien rire mais nos véhicules ont un marquage moteur, une plaque d’immatriculation, une carte grise qui les rattache au propriétaire… L’utilisation d’une automobile est tout sauf anonyme.
Les générations futures rigoleront bien de la peur d’Internet de nos politiques actuels, mais ils hériteront de notre laisser-faire. À méditer.
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