MEGA has demonstrated that it is as compliant with its legal obligations as USA cloud storage services operated by Google, Microsoft, Apple, Dropbox, Box, Spideroak etc, but PayPal has advised that MEGA’s « unique encryption model » presents an insurmountable difficulty.
And, this all goes back to this dangerous effort by the White House a few years ago to set up these « voluntary agreements » in which payment companies would agree to cut off service to sites that the entertainment industry declared « bad. » There’s no due process. There’s no adjudication. There’s just one industry getting to declare websites it doesn’t like as « bad » and all payment companies refusing to serve it. This seems like a pretty big problem.
Quand les processus extra-judiciaires deviennent le moyen d’action de principe, que ce soit aux USA ou en France, l’État de droit est un lointain souvenir.
Quand le chiffrement de bout en bout motive de couper les vivres, nous avons à nous inquiéter, quoi qu’on pense de Mega ou de son contenu.
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