The problem is compounded when the principles one applies to individual author or artist then get transferred to the so-called neighbouring rights. Why is the making of a film treated like the writing of a book, when in reality it has more in common with building an aeroplane?
Ça fait mal là où ça touche, même si le réalisateur a certainement une vraie création intellectuelle dans le processus.
Why is an actor’s performance on stage worthy of protection for 50 years, but an athlete’s performance on the track is not worthy of any exploitation rights, despite the fact that the latter’s endeavours at an international level like the Olympics probably have equal or increased economic value?
Mis à part la définition légale du droit d’auteur, qui s’intéresse aux œuvres de l’esprit, j’ai effectivement du mal à moralement faire la différence.
The US approach of giving a fixed term to material created under work-for-hire conditions is much more practical and fairer, although the actual term applied in the USA (95 years following publication or 120 years after creation) is absurdly excessive.
Sur The 1709 blog, avec plein de choses à lire, en y ajoutant son propre recul et son propre filtre critique.
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