Embassy cables reveal 34 nations pres­su­red by UK to oppose Scot­tish inde­pen­dence

Diplo­ma­tic cables reveal the extent of the British Govern­ment’s collu­sion with foreign powers to damage the Scot­tish Govern­ment, under­mine inter­na­tio­nal confi­dence in Scot­land’s economy, and to usurp the demo­cra­tic process of the refe­ren­dum on inde­pen­dence. […]

Offi­cial diplo­ma­tic cables prove conclu­si­vely that even as Came­ron told the coun­try the choice was up to the Scot­tish people and that he would play no part in it, he was pres­su­ring other nations leaders […]

“… [T]he FCO has contac­ted the govern­ments of China, Russia, the US, New Zealand, Austra­lia, Canada and the 28 EU nations about the Scot­tish refe­ren­dum in a global search for allies who might oppose inde­pen­dence.

— We ourselves

Tant que l’ac­cès complet et immé­diat à tout ce qui se passe dans nos états et nos gouver­ne­ments ne devien­dra pas la norme – et le secret l’ex­cep­tion – nos états auront forcé­ment tendance à d’abord proté­ger leur struc­ture, leur fonc­tion­ne­ment et leur inté­grité, au lieu de travailler dans l’in­té­rêt du peuple et de la nation. Si on ajoute les inté­rêts person­nels des élus et les inté­rêts collec­tifs des partis, c’est le béné­fice pour le citoyen devient au mieux un moyen, plus proba­ble­ment un effet colla­té­ral.

Le plus marrant – mais moins scan­da­leux – est cité dans un autre billet, toujours basé sur des extraits de câbles révé­lés par Wiki­leaks :

Prime Minis­ter David Came­ron met with Sony Pictures repre­sen­ta­tives 2 1/2 months before indy­ref to discuss the impen­ding release in Britain of the Outlan­der series, accor­ding to WIKILEAKS. The series premier broad­cast was inex­pli­ca­bly delayed here until after the refe­ren­dum.

The Outlan­der series is set in Scot­land in 1743 and it explores among other things the rela­tion­ships and atti­tudes of British occu­pying mili­tary forces toward the local popu­la­tion. The picture pain­ted is often one of British repres­sion and bruta­lity borne of visce­ral contempt for Scots.




Étiquettes :


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