Anony­mat des paie­ments, atten­tion aux fausses solu­tions

Conti­nuing the analogy, the meme in the early 90s was, “on the Inter­net, nobody knows you’re a dog.” But that chan­ged quickly once e-commerce and adver­ti­sing began to provide an incen­tive for perva­sive tracking and data mining. Bitcoin anony­mity today is where Inter­net and web anony­mity was in the 90s — a variety of research papers have shown how users’ pseu­do­ny­mous Bitcoin addresses can be linked to each other and poten­tially to their real-world iden­ti­ties, but it remains to be seen if linking/tracking services will deve­lop and flou­rish. It would be enti­rely unsur­pri­sing if they did.
— The impor­tance of anony­mous cryp­to­cur­ren­cies

Ne pas oublier que l’his­to­rique des tran­sac­tions Bitcoin est public, à vie. Est-ce qu’un jour une société aura suffi­sam­ment d’in­for­ma­tions pour tenter de tracer en partie l’usage et l’état des finances de tiers ? Fran­che­ment loin d’être impos­sible.

Bitcoin est d’un côté bien plus anonyme qu’un paie­ment par carte bancaire, mais d’un autre côté poten­tiel­le­ment aussi plus dange­reux sur le long terme.




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