Wolf packs don’t actually have alpha males and alpha females, the idea is based on a misunderstanding
Most wolf packs simply consist of two parents and their puppies. The group may also include one- to three-year-old offspring that have not yet headed out on their own.
« The adults are simply in charge because they are the parents of the rest of the pack members. We don’t talk about the alpha male, the alpha female and the beta child in a human family, » Zimmermann said.
La suite est aussi intéressante. Les idées de mâles alpha et de hiérarchie viennent d’observations en captivité où on force des loups adultes de familles différentes à cohabiter dans des espaces réduits. Ce sont des comportements provoqués qui n’ont rien de ceux que choisissent les loups quand ils ont le choix.
Et tout ça a des conséquences :
« Once the concept of the wolf and its strict hierarchy was established, trainers were more likely to use punishment. It wasn’t just that the dog was punished when it did something wrong, you had to show the dog that you were the alpha wolf all the time, » she said.
Nous justifions nos propres horreurs avec des comportements que nous avons nous-même provoqués.
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