Les personnes ne sont pas plus agres­sives sur les réseaux sociaux. Ils rendent juste visibles ceux qui le sont.

We found that people are not more hostile online than offline; that hostile indi­vi­duals do not prefe­ren­tially select into online (vs. offline) poli­ti­cal discus­sions

Online Trolls Actually Just Assholes All the Time, Study Finds, Gizmodo, 2021


New research suggests that the inter­net is not respon­sible for making people become more aggres­sive when enga­ging in poli­ti­cal discus­sions online, but rather makes the beha­viour of more aggres­sive people more visible.

Inter­net shown to amplify and expose real-life trolls, but not create them, Insti­tu­tion of Engi­nee­ring and Tech­no­logy, 2021

Qui sont des vulga­ri­sa­tions de l’étude suivante :

we test the mismatch hypo­the­sis but only find evidence for limi­ted selec­tion effects. Instead, hostile poli­ti­cal discus­sions are the result of status-driven indi­vi­duals who are drawn to poli­tics and are equally hostile both online and offline. Finally, we offer initial evidence that online discus­sions feel more hostile, in part, because the beha­vior of such indi­vi­duals is more visible online than offline.

The Psycho­logy of Online Poli­ti­cal Hosti­lity: A Compre­hen­sive, Cross-Natio­nal Test of the Mismatch Hypo­the­sis, 2021 [preprint]




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