Open bar

Nata­sha Bour­chart has taken the deci­sion the restrict access to the leisure centre and swim­ming pool in Calais -the ICèO – to those with a new access card. This will be a card that migrants cannot get because you must provide an iden­tity card and proof of address to obtain it. Use of the card will become neces­sary star­ting Monday.

[…] The article in Nord Litto­ral goes on to say ‘With the events of last weekend, many people are lumping toge­ther refu­gees and terro­rists.’

Simi­lar segre­ga­tion measures have been taken at the library in Calais. It seems clear that proce­dures such as these are racist, only serving to dehu­ma­nize and widen the divide between those with and without papers in Calais.

— Segre­ga­tion in the swim­ming pool


The gate agent refu­sed to let the men board because of the anony­mous bigot’s unfoun­ded fears. Maher Khalil […] called 911 and repor­ted that he had been racially profi­led by the airline. Airport secu­rity and police were summo­ned and ques­tio­ned the men, and then these crackerjack terro­rist-detec­tors dedu­ced that the bigot’s unfoun­ded fears were unfoun­ded and the men were allo­wed to board.

While the men boar­ded, other racists on the flight deman­ded to know what was in the small white pastry box that Khalil was carrying, shou­ting at him to open it.

[…] A second South­west flight from Chicago to Hous­ton was also delayed Wednes­day night when passen­gers refu­sed to allow six Muslims on the flight. The Muslim passen­gers had to be reboo­ked on another flight.

South­west Airlines surren­ders to racists, refuses boar­ding to Arab-Ameri­can passen­gers

Je n’ai aucune envie de sauve­gar­der ou citer tous les liens qui surviennent ces jours ci, mais je compte aussi celui à qui on a refusé une loca­tion parce que « avec les événe­ments je n’ai plus confiance [dans les arabes/musul­mans] », celui qui a subit une perqui­si­tion parce qu’il s’est appro­ché de la préfec­ture (pour y deman­der des papiers admi­nis­tra­tifs), celle qui consi­dère que les musul­mans ne peuvent récla­mer le même rang que les catho­liques et globa­le­ment tous les messages haineux envers les musul­mans, au racisme tota­le­ment assumé.

Nos poli­tiques sont loin d’être les derniers, même si c’est parfois mieux enrobé. Désor­mais le racisme est open bar.

Notre société s’est trans­for­mée, pour deve­nir comme celles dont on souhaite se défendre. Quelle honte.




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