Natasha Bourchart has taken the decision the restrict access to the leisure centre and swimming pool in Calais -the ICèO – to those with a new access card. This will be a card that migrants cannot get because you must provide an identity card and proof of address to obtain it. Use of the card will become necessary starting Monday.
[…] The article in Nord Littoral goes on to say ‘With the events of last weekend, many people are lumping together refugees and terrorists.’
Similar segregation measures have been taken at the library in Calais. It seems clear that procedures such as these are racist, only serving to dehumanize and widen the divide between those with and without papers in Calais.
The gate agent refused to let the men board because of the anonymous bigot’s unfounded fears. Maher Khalil […] called 911 and reported that he had been racially profiled by the airline. Airport security and police were summoned and questioned the men, and then these crackerjack terrorist-detectors deduced that the bigot’s unfounded fears were unfounded and the men were allowed to board.
While the men boarded, other racists on the flight demanded to know what was in the small white pastry box that Khalil was carrying, shouting at him to open it.
[…] A second Southwest flight from Chicago to Houston was also delayed Wednesday night when passengers refused to allow six Muslims on the flight. The Muslim passengers had to be rebooked on another flight.
— Southwest Airlines surrenders to racists, refuses boarding to Arab-American passengers
Je n’ai aucune envie de sauvegarder ou citer tous les liens qui surviennent ces jours ci, mais je compte aussi celui à qui on a refusé une location parce que « avec les événements je n’ai plus confiance [dans les arabes/musulmans] », celui qui a subit une perquisition parce qu’il s’est approché de la préfecture (pour y demander des papiers administratifs), celle qui considère que les musulmans ne peuvent réclamer le même rang que les catholiques et globalement tous les messages haineux envers les musulmans, au racisme totalement assumé.
Nos politiques sont loin d’être les derniers, même si c’est parfois mieux enrobé. Désormais le racisme est open bar.
Notre société s’est transformée, pour devenir comme celles dont on souhaite se défendre. Quelle honte.
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