Israël : La contra­cep­tion impo­sée aux femmes fala­shas

Israel has admit­ted for the first time that it has been giving Ethio­pian Jewish immi­grants birth-control injec­tions, often without their know­ledge or consent.


One of the Ethio­pian women who was inter­vie­wed is quoted as saying: “They [medi­cal staff] told us they are inocu­la­tions. We took it every three months. We said we didn’t want to.” It is alle­ged that some of the women were forced or coer­ced to take the drug while in tran­sit camps in Ethio­pia.

Apprendre du passé ? Foutaise.

En français sur actua­li­tés du droit :

Des petits, tout petits, face à une affaire horrible. Bien sûr, n’at­ten­dez ni pour­suites pénales sérieuses, ni protes­ta­tion des gouver­ne­ments occi­den­taux, car c’est un gouver­ne­ment qui défend nos valeurs...





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